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Stampscapes 101: Video 557 STAMPSCAPES U "Seeing VOLUMES!"
Stampscapes 101: Video 558 STAMPSCAPES U "Defining Volumes"
Stampscapes 101: Video 558 STAMPSCAPES U "Defining Volumes" (time lapse)
Stampscapes 101: Video 558 STAMPSCAPES U "Defining Volumes" (intro)
Stampscapes 101: Video 482 STAMPSCAPES U "Using Partials"
Stampscapes 101: Video 310G. Mood and Media (dye on glossy VII)
Stampscapes 101: Video 291. Glow Worms
Stampscapes 101: Video 368D. Falling Water Details/Textures
Stampscapes 101: Video 620 CAVE BEAMS!
Stampscapes 101: Video 599 Mountain Spirits (full video)
Stampscapes 101: Video 589 MATTE White ON SHIMMERY Blue (full video)
Stampscapes 101: Video 320. Impression Pressure (how much to use)